Malaby’s Crossroads Missionary Baptist Church will convene our SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHINGS “CONFERENCE CALLING” starting at 8:30AM until 9:30AM. The Sunday School lesson for this Sunday, June 6th is entitled “Freed From Worry”. Devotional Reading: Ezekiel 34:11-16…Background Scripture: Matthew 6: 19-34. The facilitator will be Deacon William Brooks.
Sunday School will be held in person in the Sanctuary and via conference call @ 8:30am to 9:30am
“CONFERENCE CALLING” starts at 8:30AM until 9:30AM The conference call # is: 1-712-770-5505 access code# is: 910524. Try to call in at least 5 minutes early. Be mindful once you are prompted to enter and announce yourself, listen to make sure you don’t interrupt, and wait to the end of the session to do so. Keep your phones on mute until you wish to speak, announce your name to be recognized by the facilitator. When finished place your phone back on mute, if you choose to stay unmuted, be aware of possible background noise.
YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL will be held this Sunday @8:30AM in the Fellowship Hall. The Facilitators for K-6 are Deaconess Winifred Perry and/or Sister Aquella Wilson. The Facilitator for the 7th-12th graders are Reverend Laquinta Perry-James and/or Sister Dalena High. Sis. Chiquilla Russell and Sis. Lisa McKeithan as they join the Youth Sunday School facilitators.
The Youth will meet in the Fellowship Hall staring 8:30AM to 9:30AM.
BAPTISM – following Sunday School
Malaby’s Crossroads Missionary Baptist Church morning service will be held in the Sanctuary starting at 10:15AM. Reverend Dr. James S. Utley’s sermon is entitled “Until I went into the Sanctuary”, coming from Psalm 73:17. Come Join Us and receive the “WORD.” The Senior Choir will render the songs of Zion.